Our church follows the Policies for the Safety of Youth and Children as required by the Greek Orthodox Church of America (GOA). St. John Greek Orthodox in Tampa is under the direction of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta.
Our guidelines:
- All parents and children must sign a Code of Conduct for the Safety of Children and Youth prior to participating in ministries. This statement will be included in our annual children’s ministry registration form.
- All individuals who choose to become Youth Workers must comply with our requirements. These are as follows:
- Register or Reregister – every year
- Train – complete online videos every year
- Screen – pass criminal & driving records check every two years
Praesidium (aka: Armatus) is the GOA-authorized provider for training and screening purposes.
Who is a youth worker?*
It is You! If you want to be involved in a children’s ministry*, you must become a Youth Worker. This applies to all youth event leaders, any participants over 18-years-of-age, and individuals who chaperon events, drive children other than their own, or participate in overnight activities.
According to the Greek Orthodox Church of America (GOA) a Youth Worker is the only person eligible to participate in Youth Ministry Programs or Events.
St. John’s formula for the successful protection of our youth and children
Monitor: Follow basic guidelines while leading activities. These expectations are outlined in our GOA Policies brochure and in the full Policies for the Safety of Children and Youth. Click either link for review.
Protect: This is done by enforcing GOA policy among children and adults. Please see our GOA Policies brochure.
Report: As Youth Workers’ you are a Mandatory Reporter in the eyes of the law. Youth Workers must report all instances of suspected abuse, neglect, or issues of imminent danger to the life of a child or youth. They must immediately communicate concerns to their supervisors.
Respond: Listen, reassure, protect, and report any child’s concern of abuse. This abuse includes child-to-child and adult-to-child.
*At St. John, we expect ministry heads within Choir, Altar boys, Parish Council, Ushering, and AHEPA youth programs as well as leaders of children’s activities to comply with GOA-mandated Youth Worker regulations.
Registration for Youth Workers is held twice each year. The first period allows Youth Workers to volunteer throughout the ecclesiastical year, which begins on September 1, and the second registration period only applies to winter and spring terms of that year.
GOA authorized Youth Protection Administrator: Catherine S. Mitseas.
Contact: 813-571-0658.
For more information, please visit the Youth Safety page of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Website by going to https://www.goarch.org/safety.