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The Prayer Team

Prayer Team WidgetThe Prayer Team continues and now at almost 2.5 years it is still continually growing. The Prayer Team is a daily reflection that Fr. Stavros sends out to any one who wishes to receive it. It comes out each morning at 12:30 a.m. via Constant Contact. From Monday – Friday each week, Father writes on various topics. If you are interested in joining the prayer team, send a online email to either Fr. Stavros or Charlie and they will add you to the daily email list. Click here to join the Prayer Team. 


If you missed out on previous Prayer Team messages from Fr. Stavros, they are always available on the Orthodox Christian Network.

Check out Fr. Stavros’ Two Books

The Road Back to ChristThe Road Back to Christ: Reflections on Lent, Holy Week and the Resurrection is now for sale! It is a series of daily reflections to be read from the beginning of Triodion (this year that is February 5) through All Saints Day (this year that is June 11). Pick up your copy today so you can begin reading it on February 5. This book costs $18.99 and all money taken in at the bookstore goes to the church.