2025 Stewardship Form
For your convenience, you can either turn in the printable version of the form or you can simply click through and submit the online version:
Dear Parishioners,
You will be enriched in every way for great generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11
God is wondrously generous by nature. We see God’s abundant GENEROSITY in giving us His Son, Jesus Christ, and in His Son’s abundant GENEROSITY in giving us the Church.
Our parish of St. John the Baptist is guided by five core values—Love, Worship, Community, Learning, Service. Sharing the good news of Christ’s love and GENEROSITY is the most important work we do. Our parish is thriving in so many ways. On most Sundays our church is filled to capacity with standing room only. Our parish loves to worship. We come together in fellowship both in the parish and the greater Tampa Bay area. Our parish loves our community. We offer Bible studies and Orthodoxy 101 classes throughout the year as well as a daily devotional called “The Prayer Team.” Our parish loves to learn. We have dynamic ministries for just about every demographic. Our parish loves to serve.
Everything we do in our parish is a reflection of GENEROSITY: the GENEROSITY of God’s blessings on us and the GENEROSITY of those who participate in ministry. All ministry, or service, is made possible through the GENEROSITY of your stewardship.
Everything we have—our time, our talent, our treasure—are all gifts from God. How we take care of them is stewardship. Stewardship is not only about money. It’s about our whole lives and what we do with them. It’s about what we offer to Christ with GENEROSITY. GENEROSITY is about the disposition of our hearts. A heart filled with GENEROSITY deepens our understanding of God, as well as the nature of our giving and our attitude about our money and possessions. The more GENEROSITY we offer in our stewardship, the deeper the Gospel takes root within us and the farther it spreads out from us.
We are promised that we will be enriched in every way for great GENEROSITY. Each year, we renew a covenant with the Lord through our stewardship offering to our parish. We invite you to renew yours. Please fill out the enclosed stewardship form with a pledge that reflects your GENEROSITY and thanksgiving toward God, and return it to the office no later than December 31.
With love in the Lord,
+Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis, Proistamenos
George Mitseas, Stewardship Chairperson