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Orthodoxy 101 Class


This is a four-week course of study which teaches the basics of being an Orthodox Christian. Fr. Stavros offers this class twice a year, once in the spring and again in the fall. The syllabus is the same for both sessions, so if you miss any of the classes in a session you can make them up the next time the course is offered.

The course consists of lectures, presentations, interactive demontrations, and lots of time for questions and answers.

Who should attend?

  • Interfaith couples: This will help the non-Orthodox person understand more about what is going on in our church.
  • Anyone who is considering joining our church: Going forward, this class will be a requirement for those who wish to join our Orthodox faith.
  • Recent converts to Orthodoxy: For those who recently joined the Church and want to know a little bit more.
  • Anyone who wants to know more about the basics of our faith, or who wants a refresher course in the basics of Orthodoxy is encouraged to attend.

Schedule for Fall 2024

Classes will be held on Monday’s from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary.

A Tour of the Orthodox Church
What we see in the Church and what it means.
Orthodox Spirituality
Introduction to the Sacraments
The Divine Liturgy
This will actually be a “teaching” Liturgy on the solea of the church. If you have taken the class, or if you wish to only attend this session, please feel free to do so.
Orthodox Traditions
Fasting, icons, prayer, and separating Theology from “yiayialogy.”


Please sign up with Fr. Stavros at, so he has enough materials for everyone. There is no charge for this class.